Duo Ivanov
Location: Europe
Shows: 2 x 45 min
Maxim and Olga met in Mainz,Germany at the dinner-show «Spectavola» in 2006
After years of working together they have created a stunning show entitled: «UpsideDown» which combines Aerial acts, Quickchange, Handstand, Adagio, Cyrwheel, Juggling and comedy acts.
DUO IVANOV has an extensive experience working for the major Cruise
Lines all around the World including:
Celebrity Cruises from 2015 as Adage / Aerial couple,
Norwegian Cruise Line in 2014
Star Cruses in 2013 as Specialty Act.
2011-2012 Berlin “FriedrichStadtPalast”, Duo Handstand
2011 Istanbul “Nahide” Dinner-show, Duo silks
2011 Four Season Hotel in Cyprus Duo Handstand
2009-2011 Israel, Eilat “Wow show”. Duo Handstand/ Aerial silk.
2008 France. Circus “Karl Borsberg”. Aerial silks / Duo Handstand
2006 Germany. Dinner-show “Spectavola”. Featured Adage / Aerial Couple